Katie KatieAugust 02, 2017ks style consulting, the freckled stylist, wardrobe stylist, stylist, style, style consultant, neval, chicago, designer, certified fair trade, one of a kind, new village, fashion, fashion blogger, fashion inspiration, scarf, print, blue, women entrepreneur, girl bossComment Wrap Me up in Neval Katie KatieAugust 02, 2017ks style consulting, the freckled stylist, wardrobe stylist, stylist, style, style consultant, neval, chicago, designer, certified fair trade, one of a kind, new village, fashion, fashion blogger, fashion inspiration, scarf, print, blue, women entrepreneur, girl bossComment
Katie KatieJuly 26, 2017modern map art, ks style consulting, katie schuppler, chicago, map, print, windy city, artist, art, home decor, interior design, art inspoComment Chicago Modern Map Art Print Katie KatieJuly 26, 2017modern map art, ks style consulting, katie schuppler, chicago, map, print, windy city, artist, art, home decor, interior design, art inspoComment
Katie KatieApril 03, 2017ks style consulting, katie schuppler, wardrobe stylist, style consultant, stylist, bohemian, print, style blogger, spring style, scarf, shawl, fashion, fashion blogger, fashion speak, fashion inspiration, diya, chicago, style inspirationComment Bohemian Prints with Diya Scarves Katie KatieApril 03, 2017ks style consulting, katie schuppler, wardrobe stylist, style consultant, stylist, bohemian, print, style blogger, spring style, scarf, shawl, fashion, fashion blogger, fashion speak, fashion inspiration, diya, chicago, style inspirationComment